async load means that it does not block loading other elements of your page. gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });
Star Drone is a physics based action game loaded with content...provided you enjoy the same thing over and over and...
Job Simulator is a charming & comedic beginner VR game best played with a room full of friends.
Care to take a ride on a rollercoaster in a toy factory surrounded by homicidal bears?
Showdown allows us to take hold of a proton pack and blast ghosts for around 15 minutes.
Twobit Odyssey is a 3D platform puzzler that has you guiding a spherical robot through a variety of fun and challenging puzzles.
I’m giving away 10 codes for the Gear VR, 10 codes for Daydream and 20 codes for cardboard. All you gotta do to win is leave a comment on the Echo review here or the video review here and specify which headset you would like a code for. It’s first come 1st serve so once I get rid of a certain type of code…that’s it!
Echo is a collection of 1 on 1 mini games against a homicidal robot...seriously.
Like it's predecessor, ATV Drift and Tricks suffers from poor VR content and matching visuals.
Flipy's Tesla offers some educational VR puzzle solving, clearly aimed at a younger audience.
My personal top 5 PlayStation VR games!
Hey all, I’ve decided to take a small break over Christmas so expect the content to be a little light until after the new year. With that said, if anything PSVR related is released, I’ll do my best to be on top of that and check out my YouTube page for gameplay content! Merry Christmas everyone!!! Ryan and the team at The VR Grid!
Through random draw, the winners of the 2 90 game indie bundles are Richard and Tommie. I’ve sent you both emails and as soon as you get back to me, I’ll get you those steam codes. Everyone else, thank you so much for commenting and stay tuned for more giveaway! Merry Christmas everyone!!!