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Star Chart is interesting to me as it’s these kind of experiences that could make VR more than just a toy. Downloaded from the Oculus store for $5.79, this app allows you to explore the universe at your leisure. This experience looks pretty good with planets and moons given a fair bit of detail upon close inspection along with the hand drawn placed over constellations, which is a nice touch and ...[Read More]
The name of this game says it all. Faceted Flight has you taking control of a ship of your choice and navigating through different, canyon styled environments. Downloaded from the Oculus store for $5.79 and requiring only the headset controls, this offers a simple flying experience that, although fun, wears outs its welcome after a few play throughs. This games visuals are reminiscent of the sta...[Read More]
A very polished Hack-and-Slash title whose missing features hinder long term enjoyment. Downloaded from the Oculus store for a hefty $12, which wouldn’t be bad if you were given all the content of the full game…you aren’t. Reading the description you see this message “Story Mode is excluded on this platform” which basically translates to having no rhyme or reason fo...[Read More]
A little help for new VR users
A point and click “adventure” that would bore you to sleep if it wasn’t so mercifully short. You play as Thor, but don’t get excited as you do nothing godlike in this game whatsoever, and it’s your job to stop Loki from bringing Ragnarok upon the Earth. Downloaded from the Occulus store for $3.50, this game is the definition of the reason why I started reviewing VR ...[Read More]
The ocean lies ahead of you in this immersive virtual tour that has you swimming beneath the water surface as you follow and view the scenery around you. Downloaded from the Gear store for a hefty $12, you simply choose the creature you wish to view and swim around taking in the oceans wonder. Controls are simple, look where you wanna swim and hold your finger on the touchpad to swim. Visually t...[Read More]
A Tower Defense title that literally has you defending a tower, or the being on top of it depending on what assails you. Requiring only a headset, Bluetooth controller is supported but it’s only for comfort, you build defensive structures to attack the oncoming enemy. There are 3 waves per stage and between each stage you can spend the loot received from completing the previous wave on ne...[Read More]
The Suicide Squad is here, and if the movie didn’t have you glued to your seat than this definitely won’t. Downloaded from the Oculus store, for free, this super generic game has you playing as 3 squad members; Harley Quinn, Deadshot and a fire dude (I don’t know his name nor did the game bother to tell me what it is). You face wave after wave of monstrosities that assail you f...[Read More]
This very appropriately named game is an end(ing?) runner which has you throwing balls at objects ahead of you. Requiring only the Gear VR headset (Bluetooth controller is supported) you simply tap and shoot, the game moves on its own. Downloaded from the Oculus store for $3.50, this is a simple game that gets very difficult to master. Visually, this game is very polished, albeit simple. What s...[Read More]
Man oh man! Is this game a step in the right direction. Downloaded from the Occulus store for just under $6, this game is worth every penny. As a body less entity, you are tasked with solving a string of simple puzzles to awaken an ancient civilization…to what end is not really clear. Requiring only the Gear headset (although a gamepad allows you to sit and play) you navigate by simply look...[Read More]
Archer E. Bowman is a stock wave shooter with some colorful, pleasant visuals. It's not the most in depth wave shooter, but if your looking to kill some baddies, this should scratch that itch.