async load means that it does not block loading other elements of your page. gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });
Lost your brother in a strange Egyptian temple? Than look no further than Tomb of the Golems. Comprising of 6 quick levels which basically boil down to 6 boss bottles. Armed with a magic staff, you “adventure” within a small area and have to destroy the enemies placed before you, with each level getting slightly more difficult than the next. Graphically, this game is on the anime cartoonish side...[Read More]
The State of Modern Day VR as I see it right now
If you played Herobound First Steps (see my review here) or Herobound Gladiators (review here) you will be instantly familiar with the mechanics and game play of this franchise. However, unlike its predecessor, this is a fully fleshed out game and a way better experience. What was lacking in the 1st game has been inserted here to great compliment. The story is a by the numbers tale about bad s...[Read More]
A decent horror roller coaster experience awaits you, and it's pretty fun!
A fun little dungeon crawler that has you playing as a little goblin dude armed with a sword roaming to 2 distinct dungeons (fire and water) collecting gems and killing baddies all in the name of???. With little to no story to speak of you are left to kind of make up your own story so, not the best narrative. The VR experience here isn’t quite what your used to as you control your hero wit...[Read More]
Filter(formerly known as Spectacle) is my 1st augmented reality VR review so I don’t really know how to rate this…but let’s try. The price point is fine at only $1.50 and it does exactly as advertised. Using the pass through camera, this app allows you to apply different filters to what you are looking at and take a snap shot. You can quickly upload your pics to the social medi...[Read More]
If you have played Temple Run or any endless runner before, than this game will be very familiar. You only need the headset to play, but I recommend a Bluetooth controller. Headset controls require you to swipe on the touch pad in one of the 4 directions to move accordingly, but seem to be a little slow when swiped, often leading to mistakes or death. The visuals are the same as the non VR versi...[Read More]
One of the most basic games I’ve played so far. Remember that scene from A New Hope when Luke is trying to deflect that little floating droids laser blasts. This game is that…minus the lightsabre. Basically, a little orb flies around you and fires lasers at you. You either dodge left or right to avoid said lasers by tilting your head…that’s it. It’s free so there...[Read More]
Where to begin…Incell is a roller coaster type game where you are in a ship traveling along organelles (tubular tracks) while avoiding obstacles and collecting proteins while a virus chases you. That’s about it. It’s the first game I have played that actually gave me that “vertigo” feeling that some people complain about. Nothing crazy and a quick adjustment in my ...[Read More]
What we have here is an online tabletop horde style kind of game. A little on the cutesy side, you pick you character and spawn in an online arena with up to 4 other players, where upon you are supposed to attack waves of enemies. Goblins, mages, trolls and so on appear around you in a small arena for you to dispatch. Basic button mashing here w/ jumping and power attacks as well. Forgot to ment...[Read More]
This a point and click adventure having you waking up with no memory of who you are (which doesn’t matter) and what you’re are doing in this bunker(which barely matters). Only requiring the Gear VR headset to navigate, you look at the floor to walk where you want and you tap to interact with whatever the game lets you interact with (your reticle changes to let you know what you can/can...[Read More]
Cosmos Warfare is an on the rails shooter which has you helming a turret as waves of enemy ships try and take you out. The game only requires headset controls and is about as simple as they come, you don’t even have to shoot as the game auto fires for you. Just look where you want to shoot and that’s it. You take part in 6 missions, each more repetitive than the last. The AI here is...[Read More]