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High Noon is yet another VR wave shooter, but stands out from the rest with some solid old west gameplay!
Shadowcore is a fun multiplayer FPS in a futuristic setting that is loaded with promise and potential!
Showdown allows us to take hold of a proton pack and blast ghosts for around 15 minutes.
Get into the Christmas Spirit by hurling snowballs a variety of festive targets!
Shooty fruity adds a fresh coat of paint to the wave shooting genre and brings something truly unique to the checkout counter.
69 Ways to Kill a zombie is a generic, broken zombie shooter and nothing more.
Cargo Cult is decently fun, but ultimately forgettable way to kill an hour, only succeeding with generic shooter tropes.
Ghosts in the Toybox; Chapter 1 gives us some nice looking, cartoonish visuals and some uninspired wave shooting gameplay.
Blue Effect is a wave-shooting, sci-fi horror VR game that delivers a unique, but short-lived thrill.
Mages tale is a classic First Person Fantasy RPG with a unique spell crafting system and some very solid visuals!
Dead Effect 2 VR contains monumental content value, consistently fun and immersive first person combat, and addictive RPG mechanics that are all great...[Read More]
Raw Data sets the bar for wave shooter offering large stages to walk/teleport around, frenetic action, tower defence elements and some crazy kick-ass ...[Read More]