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We take a 2nd look at SUPERHOT, this time on the Vive, and confirm that this is a must own VR title!
Dick Wilde does as promised serving up a very competent wave shooter that utilizes Move and Aim controllers!
Farpoint is the game many of us have been waiting for. It's a stock, traditional shooter that you've played before...but the combination of VR and th...[Read More]
Man the guns in this WWII action oriented wave shooter! 2 games in 1 plus a lot of replay means you'll be dispatching Axis foes all the live long da...[Read More]
VR Invaders is a gorgeous game with some of the best FPS gameplay available for the PSVR. The short campaign and limited replayabilty hold this back ...[Read More]
Herocade is a great collection of mini games. The variety of games offered will appeal to a broad audience and will have you coming back for more and...[Read More]
Pavlov may be early access, but what it showcases how multiplayer FPS should work in VR!
Ghostbusters VR is all promise and not much in the way of delivery. It's also insanely short and barely starts before it ends.
ROM: Extraction is a practically perfect wave shooter and a must play if you love that genre.