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Like it's predecessor, ATV Drift and Tricks suffers from poor VR content and matching visuals.
Ultrawings is a solid flight simulator and those looking to experience flight in VR will probably like this a fair bit!
If you are looking a rollercoaster sim with a fantastical twist...this may be exactly what you are looking for
VR The Diner Duo offers up some fun and frenetic food prepping action that fit in perfectly with the job simulation genre
The First Class VR offers some breathtaking cinematic moments from humanity's most pivotal moments in flight.
Monsters of the Deep delivers a solid fishing game with a fair bit of depth, fun and (Final) Fantasy Fishing action!
Carnival Games is a collection of mini games that treads familiar VR territory but has enough positives to warrant a recommendation, including the DLC...[Read More]
If you have any interest in flying a kite in VR than I think you'll be surprised by how much you'll enjoy this.
Copter is a drone "simulator" that is devoid of any entertainment value...stay away.
*Updated* - Flairtender puts you in the roll of a bartender tasked with making a plethora of drinks. Unfortunately, the lack of any core gaming motiv...[Read More]
Doors of Silence provides and a decent, freaky atmosphere and though it may be light on scares, it will still keep you on edge.
Everest is great looking experience marred by a lack of content. That said it has some of the most amazing visuals I have seen in VR.