async load means that it does not block loading other elements of your page. gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });
Care to take a ride on a rollercoaster in a toy factory surrounded by homicidal bears?
Echo is a collection of 1 on 1 mini games against a homicidal robot...seriously.
Treasure Hunter VR is great puzzle game for first-timers in VR for a good price. Veterans of the VR puzzle genre though may be left wanting.
Sneaky Bears isn't the most impressive shooter you have ever played. But the charm, challenge and comedy easily make this worth the asking price!
Bad Dream VR offers up some decent scares backed by great audio and visuals. Add to that the immersive control scheme and you get one helluva horror ...[Read More]
Street Champ is a VR spin on a classic genre, but is that enough to keep you playing?
A very polished Hack-and-Slash title whose missing features hinder long term enjoyment. Downloaded from the Oculus store for a hefty $12, which would...[Read More]
The Suicide Squad is here, and if the movie didn’t have you glued to your seat than this definitely won’t. Downloaded from the Oculus sto...[Read More]
This very appropriately named game is an end(ing?) runner which has you throwing balls at objects ahead of you. Requiring only the Gear VR headset (B...[Read More]
One of the most basic games I’ve played so far. Remember that scene from A New Hope when Luke is trying to deflect that little floating droids l...[Read More]
Where to begin…Incell is a roller coaster type game where you are in a ship traveling along organelles (tubular tracks) while avoiding obstacles...[Read More]