async load means that it does not block loading other elements of your page. gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });
A very polished Hack-and-Slash title whose missing features hinder long term enjoyment. Downloaded from the Oculus store for a hefty $12, which would...[Read More]
A point and click “adventure” that would bore you to sleep if it wasn’t so mercifully short. You play as Thor, but don’t get ...[Read More]
A Tower Defense title that literally has you defending a tower, or the being on top of it depending on what assails you. Requiring only a headset, Bl...[Read More]
The Suicide Squad is here, and if the movie didn’t have you glued to your seat than this definitely won’t. Downloaded from the Oculus sto...[Read More]
This very appropriately named game is an end(ing?) runner which has you throwing balls at objects ahead of you. Requiring only the Gear VR headset (B...[Read More]
Man oh man! Is this game a step in the right direction. Downloaded from the Occulus store for just under $6, this game is worth every penny. As a body...[Read More]
Archer E. Bowman is a stock wave shooter with some colorful, pleasant visuals. It's not the most in depth wave shooter, but if your looking to kill s...[Read More]
Lost your brother in a strange Egyptian temple? Than look no further than Tomb of the Golems. Comprising of 6 quick levels which basically boil down ...[Read More]
If you played Herobound First Steps (see my review here) or Herobound Gladiators (review here) you will be instantly familiar with the mechanics and g...[Read More]
A fun little dungeon crawler that has you playing as a little goblin dude armed with a sword roaming to 2 distinct dungeons (fire and water) collectin...[Read More]
If you have played Temple Run or any endless runner before, than this game will be very familiar. You only need the headset to play, but I recommend ...[Read More]
Where to begin…Incell is a roller coaster type game where you are in a ship traveling along organelles (tubular tracks) while avoiding obstacles...[Read More]
What we have here is an online tabletop horde style kind of game. A little on the cutesy side, you pick you character and spawn in an online arena wit...[Read More]
This a point and click adventure having you waking up with no memory of who you are (which doesn’t matter) and what you’re are doing in th...[Read More]
Cosmos Warfare is an on the rails shooter which has you helming a turret as waves of enemy ships try and take you out. The game only requires headset...[Read More]