async load means that it does not block loading other elements of your page. gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });
SONAR is another 360 video/experience downloaded from the Oculus store for $2.29. I am all for 360 videos and am looking forward to one that utilizes...[Read More]
HEX is another game in the ever expanding VR turret shooting type game. Does it stand out or fall in with what we expect from the genre?
This is an interesting game. So many games mirror what this game offers, yet this one stands alone. Downloaded from the Occulus Store for $11.99, yo...[Read More]
Star Chart is interesting to me as it’s these kind of experiences that could make VR more than just a toy.  Downloaded from the Oculus store for $5.7...[Read More]
The name of this game says it all. Faceted Flight has you taking control of a ship of your choice and navigating through different, canyon styled env...[Read More]
A very polished Hack-and-Slash title whose missing features hinder long term enjoyment. Downloaded from the Oculus store for a hefty $12, which would...[Read More]
A point and click “adventure” that would bore you to sleep if it wasn’t so mercifully short. You play as Thor, but don’t get ...[Read More]
The ocean lies ahead of you in this immersive virtual tour that has you swimming beneath the water surface as you follow and view the scenery around y...[Read More]
A Tower Defense title that literally has you defending a tower, or the being on top of it depending on what assails you. Requiring only a headset, Bl...[Read More]
The Suicide Squad is here, and if the movie didn’t have you glued to your seat than this definitely won’t. Downloaded from the Oculus sto...[Read More]
This very appropriately named game is an end(ing?) runner which has you throwing balls at objects ahead of you. Requiring only the Gear VR headset (B...[Read More]
Man oh man! Is this game a step in the right direction. Downloaded from the Occulus store for just under $6, this game is worth every penny. As a body...[Read More]
Archer E. Bowman is a stock wave shooter with some colorful, pleasant visuals. It's not the most in depth wave shooter, but if your looking to kill s...[Read More]
Lost your brother in a strange Egyptian temple? Than look no further than Tomb of the Golems. Comprising of 6 quick levels which basically boil down ...[Read More]