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If you are looking to include a friend in your VR adventures than this amazing, escape room puzzler is for you!!!
Project Shield is a fun, but basic Wave Defense game that is hampered by a lack of content and limited replayabilty.
A well balanced tower defence title that works great in VR and carries with it a fair bit of charm and challenge...and robots!!!
VR Invaders is a gorgeous game with some of the best FPS gameplay available for the PSVR. The short campaign and limited replayabilty hold this back ...[Read More]
Destroy all that lies before you as giant monster consumed by revenge and a lust for carnage. This is awesome!
Stolen Steel wants to show you how sword based VR combat could be, but poor mechanics make this more potential than anything else
Astrokarts is a fun, single player racing experience with some great visual moments and a variety of levels.
Pavlov may be early access, but what it showcases how multiplayer FPS should work in VR!
Despite a few key flaws, there is nothing like Tethered available on the Vive. The level of polish and detail is unparalleled, and a joy just to look...[Read More]
SUPERHOT puts you in control of time itself in one one the most unique First Person Shooters you have ever played!
Fat City is a timed-puzzle solver that also involves a fair bit of strategy and forward thinking. Don't let the cover art fool you, there is a good g...[Read More]
ROM: Extraction is a practically perfect wave shooter and a must play if you love that genre.
If you love Flappy Bird than you'll feel right at home with Leave the Nest. It's a minimalist experience that offers as much frustration as fun.