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ChromaGun VR arms you with a paint gun and tasks you with painting walls to solve puzzles.
Eden Tomorrow is a sci-fi epic with an emphasis on story telling and exploring the unknown.
Intruders: Hide and Seek sees you trapped in your own house with armed assailants hunting you down.
XING: The Land Beyond, an atmospheric first-person puzzle adventure in the peaceful land of the dead
Fear of Bugs places you in a room full of roaches and challenges you not to panic.
Anyone's Diary is a 2D platformer in a 3D world that addresses real-world struggles
A fisherman's Tale is a mind-bending puzzler that uses scale in new and unique ways.
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown brings the classic franchise to VR with a few levels exclusive to headset wearers
Kingdom of Blades tasks you with slicing and dicing tiny ancient warrior statues