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The Persistence brings VR Survival Horror to a new level and adds Rogue-Like elements!
Sea of Memories brings visual puzzles to the forefront as you manipulate odd shapes to find the hidden image
Hopalong: The Badlands utilizes VR tracking in a whole new way to make this Western FPS stand out!
Animal Force is an odd Tower Defence type game with a few local vs modes as well.
We look back at Sony's first VR collection of games and experiences for the PSVR
Salary Man Escape challenges you to solve a plethora of physics-based puzzles
Homestar VR brings the night sky to your headset along with a little education about the stars.
Ranch Planet is local co-op animal capture game with only 1 of 4 modes being single player.
The Exorcist aims to bring some scares your way in this episodic horror series.
Football Nation VR Tournament is VRFC with a very nice new coat of paint and some additional features