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Run Dorothy Run is a fun, physically active rhythm game with some comedic charm.
Pop-Up Pilgrims provides a different type of VR puzzler that is both fun and fresh.
Knockout League brings us some arcade boxing that is crazy fun and a crazy workout!
Sprint Vector is a physically demanding racing game that's gonna make you sweat!
Out of Ammo mixes the FPS and RTS genres into something that, on paper, sounds great!!
Pierhead Arcade delivers 15 different mini-games for a budget price, one of which is bowling!
I Expect You Die is a cleverly disguised escape room type game with some insanely fun puzzles, comedy and a lot of deaths!
The Inpatient is less game and more interactive horror movie as you try and escape from insane asylum.
Star Drone is a physics based action game loaded with content...provided you enjoy the same thing over and over and...
Job Simulator is a charming & comedic beginner VR game best played with a room full of friends.
Showdown allows us to take hold of a proton pack and blast ghosts for around 15 minutes.
Like it's predecessor, ATV Drift and Tricks suffers from poor VR content and matching visuals.
Flipy's Tesla offers some educational VR puzzle solving, clearly aimed at a younger audience.