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Carnival Games is a collection of mini games that treads familiar VR territory but has enough positives to warrant a recommendation, including the DLC...[Read More]
Ghosts in the Toybox; Chapter 1 gives us some nice looking, cartoonish visuals and some uninspired wave shooting gameplay.
League of war VR Arena is rock, paper, scissors war Strategy/RTS that is easy to pick up and play but difficult to master.
Dead Hungry is mix of wave shooter and job simulator with an added shot of insanity. What's here works, but it's not perfect
If you have any interest in flying a kite in VR than I think you'll be surprised by how much you'll enjoy this.
Stifled is an odd mix of first person stealth in a world created by the real life trauma of the protagonist and the end product is both thrilling and ...[Read More]
The Invisible Hour is VR innovation at its finest and while this is definitely more experience than game, the merging of interaction and cinema has ne...[Read More]
Baskhead Training may start off as frustrating, but give it some time and it may just be one of those games you pull out for some friendly competition...[Read More]
Syndrome offers up a decent VR survival mode that just gets ruined by some very poor design choices and dated visuals.
Gran Turismo Sports' VR content is all tech demo with only 1 mode and forced play out of VR. It plays great minus the fact there is almost no reason ...[Read More]
Megaton Rainfall has straight up blown me away and is a must play for anyone who ever dreamt about being a superhero.
Chernobyl VR Project brings a unique perspective to the abandoned city of Pripyat with some cool recreated areas to explore in VR. Unfortunately, the...[Read More]
Raw Data sets the bar for wave shooter offering large stages to walk/teleport around, frenetic action, tower defence elements and some crazy kick-ass ...[Read More]
Sneaky Bears has received an update that makes the game more fun, challenging and replayable. If your looking for a wave shooter, than this one is no...[Read More]