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Everest is great looking experience marred by a lack of content. That said it has some of the most amazing visuals I have seen in VR.
Light Tracer brings classic 3D platforming to VR with a unique, but flawed control scheme. Still, for fans of the genre, you'll still find some fun i...[Read More]
Voltron is less of a game and more interactive movie. With that said it has some of the best presentation I have seen in VR with amazing cell-shaded ...[Read More]
End Space offers up some space battles, solid game play and some nicely polished visuals and, though it's not perfect, is still a pretty damned space ...[Read More]
The Solus Project tells a story that is both mysterious and intriguing. While not perfect, what's presented offers up hours of gameplay and a lot of ...[Read More]
Bloody Zombies is just about the greatest homage to classic arcade brawlers you can get, and VR only adds to the awesome presented here!
Manifest 99 is not a game at all, but rather a beautiful and haunting short story that tugs on your emotions like no other.
Radial G: Racing Revolved is a merging of Sci-fi racing and rollercoasters and is an absolute blast to play, though at times struggles against its own...[Read More]
Choose 1 of 5 character and start dispatching waves of enemies in this FPS/Tower Defence/Wave Shooter! Best played with friends and now with new cont...[Read More]
Don't Knock Twice offers up some of the best scares in VR and is a must play for those looking for a good freak fest, though it does have some shortco...[Read More]
The Lost Bear is an interesting traditional 2D platformer with a VR twist. It's not perfect, but the world, story and mechanics kept me entertained t...[Read More]
Sparc is a whole new way to play in VR. It's a futuristic competitive 1 vs 1 sport that blends tennis, squash, dodgeball and is both fun and addictin...[Read More]
Soul Dimension currently offers up the 1st chapter in an on-going series that has an intriguing plot and nice visuals, but is hurt by bad voice acting...[Read More]
Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul strives for horror greatness but falls short with unnecessary gameplay options and a convoluted plot. Those faults...[Read More]