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If you love Flappy Bird than you'll feel right at home with Leave the Nest. It's a minimalist experience that offers as much frustration as fun.
It's a tale you've probably read or seen before and plays out more like a mediocre, slightly interactive 'B' movie than a quality game.
Venture back to the first moon landing and you take part in this interactive experience that's pretty cool.
If you love FPS puzzle games and the horror genre than you'll probably enjoy Dying Reborns' brief campaign, flaws and all
Dirt Rally is one of the most difficult racing games I have ever played, but once you figure out the controls, it's a great racing sim.
Psychonauts returns in VR and it's a fun puzzler with some interesting mechanics, but if you haven't played the original, than a few story elements ma...[Read More]
Mervils does not look good, but as they say, it's what's underneath that counts.
Waddle Home is a great pick up and play budget puzzler that delivers on challenge and cuteness!
You can experience a live concert in VR, but for the price and "gameplay" your probably not going to enjoy yourself
A point and click adventure that definitely walks on the safe side of gaming, but is still an absolute treat to play
Ping Pong in VR is now here and unless you really love Ping Pong, you'll get bored of this fast.