Snow Fortress offers a light-hearted Wave/Tower defence game that has more depth than you would think, but still wears out it's welcome before to long...[Read More]
69 Ways to Kill a zombie is a generic, broken zombie shooter and nothing more.
Perfect angle is a pretty cool concept that should work better in VR...sadly this not the case in this unique, but flawed puzzler.
Prepare to defend yourself against hordes of enemy insects in this fun shooter/strategy hybrid.
If you are a fan of story-driven psychological horror games with an extra dose of insanity than Phantasma VR is for you.
Cargo Cult is decently fun, but ultimately forgettable way to kill an hour, only succeeding with generic shooter tropes.
Blue Effect is a wave-shooting, sci-fi horror VR game that delivers a unique, but short-lived thrill.
SPAZ 2 is a great melding of RTS and space action elements in a fleshed out universe with loads of content and fun!
Dead Hungry is mix of wave shooter and job simulator with an added shot of insanity. What's here works, but it's not perfect
If you have any interest in flying a kite in VR than I think you'll be surprised by how much you'll enjoy this.
Mages tale is a classic First Person Fantasy RPG with a unique spell crafting system and some very solid visuals!
Stifled is an odd mix of first person stealth in a world created by the real life trauma of the protagonist and the end product is both thrilling and ...[Read More]