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Twisted Arrow is a fun, solid action filled bow-shooter that lacks depth, but still delivers on the gameplay!
Neptune Flux tickles that exploration and puzzle solving itch. Coupled with an intriguing storyline and budget price, this is probably worth your tim...[Read More]
Castle Storm is a hybrid Angry Birds-esque strategy, action, platformer and it's combination of all those elements make it a unique entry in VR gaming...[Read More]
Keep Defending is classic FPS tower defence in VR. Nothing more and nothing less.
Hard to ask for more from a mini golf game with endless user created content. Throw in some charming visuals and a great course creator and their is ...[Read More]
Take to the seas as a pirate hero in this budget title. It brings a lot to the table, and if your not expecting a lot, you may be pleasantly suprised...[Read More]
If Rock Band was a Bioshock mod...despite its interesting style that can be fun at times, performance issues and poor design choices take this otherwi...[Read More]
Bridge Crew delivers an unparalleled co-op VR experience that both fans and non-fans of the franchise are sure to enjoy!
Symphony of the Machine is beautiful, relaxing, unique, and deserves praise. However, its severe lack of content compared to the asking price hampers ...[Read More]
The virtual reality “Rick and Morty” game is a much-anticipated treat for VR-toting fans of the sci-fi dark-comedy TV show, and it's pretty fun! Those...[Read More]
Chronos is an epic fantasy adventure that is mesmerizing, challenging and so satisfying. Unique game mechanics ,stunning visuals and a fully fleshed ...[Read More]
Chess Ultra is great for people who have never played chess before, are masters at it, or anyone in the middle. The level of polish here is amazing!