async load means that it does not block loading other elements of your page. gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });
Dead Hungry is mix of wave shooter and job simulator with an added shot of insanity. What's here works, but it's not perfect
If you have any interest in flying a kite in VR than I think you'll be surprised by how much you'll enjoy this.
Mages tale is a classic First Person Fantasy RPG with a unique spell crafting system and some very solid visuals!
Stifled is an odd mix of first person stealth in a world created by the real life trauma of the protagonist and the end product is both thrilling and ...[Read More]
Copter is a drone "simulator" that is devoid of any entertainment value...stay away.
Baskhead Training may start off as frustrating, but give it some time and it may just be one of those games you pull out for some friendly competition...[Read More]
Roomscale Coaster contains little in the way of fun and is plagued by design flaws and performance issues.
Dead Effect 2 VR contains monumental content value, consistently fun and immersive first person combat, and addictive RPG mechanics that are all great...[Read More]
*Updated* - Flairtender puts you in the roll of a bartender tasked with making a plethora of drinks. Unfortunately, the lack of any core gaming motiv...[Read More]
Chernobyl VR Project brings a unique perspective to the abandoned city of Pripyat with some cool recreated areas to explore in VR. Unfortunately, the...[Read More]
Raw Data sets the bar for wave shooter offering large stages to walk/teleport around, frenetic action, tower defence elements and some crazy kick-ass ...[Read More]
Everest is great looking experience marred by a lack of content. That said it has some of the most amazing visuals I have seen in VR.
Heaven Forest NIGHTS is an interesting walking simulator with some cool set pieces, but that's about it.