async load means that it does not block loading other elements of your page. gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });


Standard size with sidebar

Vindicta comments

Something is wonky with the site and the comments aren’t loading properly on that review.  I’m looking into it but rest assured, I can see the comments left on the back end so anyone who leaves a comment will be entered to win!

Site news

Well, the Runesage review is back up and much improved.  I have over 100 subscribers on YT so thanks to all of you who follow me there.  I recently picked up a Daydream headset so expect that section to be added to the home page soon.  Finally, I’m going to restructure my site, specifically the ads and make them less intrusive, or just pull or replace them with affiliate content.  For those ...[Read More]

Vindicta Steam code giveaway!!!

I’m sitting on 2 steam codes of the game courtesy of Game Cooks and for a chance to win all you need to do is comment on the review…it’s that easy, I’ll even give you the link (click me!)

Indiegala winners!

Congrats to the following users; Tay Tay, Mike, Darius Jones, Michael Percival, Jack Harrison, Edwin Chan, Jeremy Jay, Leon Durham, Sean Lewis and Robb.  I’ll email the winners with the addresses you provided, and if you logged with SM than I will hunt you down there!  Thanks for commenting and check back often.  I give away stuff as much as I can!

Indiegala VR XI giveaway

We are giving away 10 steam VR bundles. Click for details!

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