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Facebook giveaway is closed!

Yup, that’s it, that’s all..for now.  It didn’t get the attention I wanted so I will probably giveaway a bunch for of the indiegala bundles tomorrow so stay posted

The Purge Day Giveaway and Indiegala giveaway

Giveaway news, read for details

Indiegala Virtual Reality VI Facebook giveaway!

I am giving away 10 Indiegala VR VI bundle ONLY on the SteamVR Facebook Page.  Just leave a comment on the post about your favorite VR moment.  Here is the direct link.  

Mountain Mind – Headbangers VR giveaway

Easy one here.  I have 1 steam code to give away so if you like Stoner Rock and VR than this is for you.  just leave a comment on the review and you are entered in the random draw for the game…so easy!

Paranormal Activity Winner!!!

Random draw has selected Mv30 as the winner so congratulations!!!!! To everyone else as always thanks for the comments and check back often for more giveaways!.  I’ll email you shortly Mv30!!!

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