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The Neptune Flux winner is…..

Congratulations to Gavin!  Everyone else thanks for commenting and stay tuned as tomorrow will be another PSVR giveaway!!!

The Wizards Steam giveaway winners!!!

Congratulations to Patrik and Paul….YOU WIN!!! I’ll message you the codes shortly.  Thanks everyone for commenting and I should have a new steam giveaway soon!!!

Neptune Flux USA only PSN giveaway

Hey all, I’m sitting on one extra PSN code for Neptune Flux.  For a chance to win, simply leave a comment on the review.  It will only work for a US account!!! I’ll draw a name in day or 2.

The Wizards Steam VR Giveaway!

The giveaways don’t stop and now I’m sitting on 2 steam codes for The Wizards.  Simply leave a comment on the review page and your entered to win.  I will dar the 2 winners in 2 days.

10 Indiegala VR X Bundles giveaway!!

Yup, I’m doing my largest giveaway yet with 10  Indiegala X VR bundles that desperately need new owners.  All you gotta do for a chance to win is simply leave a comment on this sub reddit page about your favorite VR game and maybe the highlight experience you had from it…So easy!  I’ll randomly draw and PM the 10 WINNERS in 2 days (Sunday). (Here’s the games included in eac...[Read More]

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