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Cavernous Wastes PSVR Winner!!!

And the winner of the random draw is Justin P.  Congratulations, I will email you the PSN code to the email you provided the site.  Thanks all for commenting and stay tuned, the next giveaway is coming soon…It’s looking like some steam keys.

Cavernous Wastes PSVR NA Code giveaway!!

That’s right, simply leave a comment of the Cavernous Wastes Review and you are entered to win a North America PSN code.  It’s that easy.  I will draw a name in 2 days(or so).

Mighty Monster Mayhem winner!!!!

The winner is Martin!!!! Congrats man, you also get to be my friend on steam, which I’m sure was the real reason why you entered.  I will email you soon with the details  

Mighty Monster Mayhem Giveaway!!!

It’s a little light this time but will give 1 winner a steam gift of Mighty Monster Mayhem playable on the Rift or Vive.  Just leave a comment on that review and you will be entered to win a free steam version of the game.  I will draw the winner on Friday! *Note: In order for me to give this to you, I’m gonna have to friend you in steam and gift you the code*

Star Wars Battlefront PSN Winner is…..

Congratulations to Branden Johnson who won the random draw.  Sometimes the early bird gets the worm!  Thanks to all who commented and come back soon.  My next giveaway looks to be a Vive game…but we will see.  Emailed you at the address you provided Branden.

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