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Zed Shot Giveaway

I’m going to randomly pick the 3 winners within the next 12 hours(or so) so good luck to you guys that commented

Zed Shot Gear VR giveaway!

Thats’ s right ladies and gentlemen, we just reviewed it an now we are giving away 3 Oculus store codes for the zombie shooter ‘Zed Shot‘ .  Leave a comment on the review page to be entered…so easy!  I’ll draw names Friday afternoon

Chess Ultra Winner

CONGRATULATIONS TO BEN THOMPSON!!!!!!!! YOU WIN!!!!!!!! Check back often for my giveaways!

Chess ultra and what’s coming

I’ll be drawing a winner in the next few hours. I will email that winner the code the the address you provided. Next giveaway looks to be a rift/vive game, though I’m still organizing it. Stay tuned!

Chess Ultra NA PSN code giveaway

That’s right we are giving away 1 North American PSN game code for Chess Ultra.  The plan is to draw a name in a day(or so) so leave a comment and a valid email and I will randomly pick a commenter tomorrow! Just to be clear, you need to leave a comment on the actual review, not this thread.  It’s my fault as I shouldve closed comments for this post so all of you who commented here wil...[Read More]

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