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Astroblasters winners!!!

3 people posted so those 3 people win, congrats and thanks to ceejay, Marvin Keys and Santul.  Not sure when the next giveaway will be so as always, check back often!  I’ll email the winners with the codes to the emails they provided.

Astroblasters for the Gear VR

I’ve got 3 more codes for Astroblasters to giveaway for the Gear VR.  To enter the draw simply leave a comment on the review.  I’ll draw the 3 names this weekend sometime.

Post E3 random site news

With E3 done, I’m now going to just keep plugging away and tweaking the site.  I am debating on doing hardware reviews(headsets, controllers, foam replacements…) but not sure how much interest there is for that.  I will continue to stay on to of PSVR games and keep chipping away at the other headsets.

11 Game PC bundle Draw Winners!!

So, assigning each of you a # and using a random # generator, the 2 winners of the indigala 11-game PC VR bundle are Tay and George.  Congratulations!!! I will email the game codes to the email addresses you provided when you commented.  Stay tuned for our next giveaway!

Our Next Steam Giveaway(11 Games!!!)

So next up is a chance to win Indiegala’s latest VR Bundle which includes 11 VR titles playable on the Rift or Vive.  I’m giving away 2 of these bundles in a random draw.  For a chance to win simply leave a comment on my review for Evil Robot Traffic Jam.  I will draw 2 names in 24 hours(or so). The Ruins: VR Escape the Room FriendShip Flock VR Evil Robot Traffic Jam HD Panzer Panic VR...[Read More]

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