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Winds & Leaves (PCVR)

Winds & Leaves is a VR flora builder in a vast open world full of mystery.

After The Fall

After the Fall is an epic VR action FPS with intense 4-player co-op gameplay at its core.

Baby Hands

Experience the world through the eyes, ears and chubby little hands of a baby in the 90's!

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Tempestfall

In Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Tempestfall you battle the forces of Nighthaunt in this VR-exclusive action-adventure.


Gravitational is a VR puzzler that takes place in an future with gravitational technology

Captain ToonHead vs The Punks from Outer Space

Captain ToonHead is a VR 1st person tower defense/shooter game with some 90's flare.

Wraith: The Oblivion – Afterlife

Back from the dead, it's up to you to solve your own murder in this VR survival horror title.

Eye of the Temple

Explore a treacherous temple using ONLY room-scale VR

Rhythm of the Universe: Ionia

ROTU: Ionia is a fantasy puzzler in a lush forest teeming with life.


DecaMove is a brand new locomotion option for VR

I Expect You to Die 2: The Spy & The Liar

Become an elite super spy ready for espionage, explosives, and gadgets galore.

VEN VR Adventure

VEN VR Adventure is a classic 3D platformer in VR.

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