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Layers of Fear VR

Layers of Fear is a psychedelic horror game with a heavy focus on story and exploration.


Maskmaker is a magical puzzler full of fantasy and mystery

Traffic Jams

Traffic Jams needs you to keep traffic flowing in the face of outrageous events and flagrant road rage.

Floor Plan 2

A comedy adventure packed with more puzzles than you can fit in an elevator.


Cosmodread is a VR survival horror roguelike about escaping a dying spaceship filled with nightmares.

Thrill of the Fight

The Thrill of the Fight is a room-scale only VR boxing game focused on authenticity.

Hyper Dash

Hyper Dash is an online arena shooter that pits 10 players with and against each other in a variety of game types

Ryte: The Eye of Atlantis

Ryte - The Eye of Atlantis is a puzzler that has you visiting the titular fabled city right before it's ultimate demise.

A Wake Inn

A Wake Inn puts you in the role of a sentient mannequin stuck in a wheel chair and tasked with navigating a very creepy hotel.


Yupitergrad puts you in the boots of a kosmonaut and has you swinging around a very dangerous space station.

Bullet Roulette

Play as one of 4 people sitting around the table in the gloomy dark bar playing Russian Roulette

Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond

Medal of Honor: Above & Beyond takes us back to WW2, this time as an OSS agent.

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